
© Interactive Shell 2025.

Interactive Drive

Interactive Drive is an AI-powered collaborative cloud workspace designed to revolutionize the way you code. By simply creating a file with a recognized extension like .html or .py in your workspace, you can effortlessly trigger the Interactive IDE.

Interactive IDE

Our Judge0 inspired cutting-edge Interactive IDE equipped with a revolutionary AI Assistant designed to streamline your coding experience. Get ready to revolutionize the way you debug your codes.

Any device

Develop on Interactive Shell from any device.


Collaborate with others, share your codes.

50+ Languages

Code, edit, run and save codes in 50+ languages.


Easily install online libraries as you need.

Interactive Features

Persistent Storage

Terminal + Drive

Interactie Shell allows users (pro) to easily access the files in the IDE drive via terminal. Files are mounted inside the /mnt directory.
Run your files from the IDE drive or via the terminal.
Code Playground

Interactive IDE

With a user-friendly drive-like interface and an integrated development environment for over 50 coding languages, it's the ultimate visual code studio for developers.

Codepen like

Visual HTML

Interactie Shell offers a collaborative code development environment similar to Codepen or Replit, allowing for rapid debugging and seamless integration of HTML single page websites.
You code runs in real time.